Sioux Indian Tribe

The Sioux Indian Tribe is a group of Native Americans that is historically comprised of three main cultural divisions: the Isanti, also known as the Eastern Dakota group, who live in Iowa, Minnesota, and the eastern Dakotas; the Ihanktowan-Ihanktowana, who live around the Minnesota River and are often called Western Dakota group; and the Teton or Tetonwan, also known as the Lakota, who live in the Western Dakotas.

These groups together make up the Great Sioux Nation , which is currently divided into seven major tribes, and thirteen separate political organizations, each with its own separate leadership. The seven tribes are called the Seven Council Fires, and they meet together each summer to participate in ceremonies, kinship, and trade, and to discuss shared political concerns.

The Sioux language is still spoken by almost half the members of the Sioux Indian Tribe, but it is still considered an endangered language that is in danger of falling into disuse. This language is divided into three main divisions, the Dakota, Nakota, and Lakota, primarily separated by their different dialects. The Sioux also had a complex sign language.

As is the case with many Native American tribes, the Sioux Indian Tribes were treated unfairly by the United States government, and were driven from their lands. Chief Red Cloud was a Sioux chief who led the most successful Native American campaign against the US government in history. Chief Sitting Bull of the Dakota Sioux, fought valiantly for his people, resisting forced transportation to Indian Territory. At the Wounded Knee Massacre over 150 Sioux men, women, and children were killed by the US Calvary in 1890.

Many place names familiar to us today are of Sioux origin, and many of these locations once lay in their territory: Sioux Falls, Sioux City, the Little Sioux River, the Big Sioux River, North Dakota, and South Dakota are just a few examples.

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