Native American Photos

Native Americans have a rich culture and a fascinating background full of interesting stories and important heritage. There have been many Native American photographs taken over the years that have helped to document Indian life. The first photos were taken in the 1800s and were usually taken by soldiers who were snapping the photographs from afar. Some chiefs and Native American soldiers posed for portraits, which really gives a better insight into how they dressed, looked and lived. Since Native Americans were prevalent in the late 1700s and into the very early 1900s, most photographs were taken in black and white because the color camera and film had not been invented yet.

Perhaps one of the most famous collections of Native American photos is the Curtis Collection. This collection was not pictures developed on film, but instead consists of prints created on copper plates. Edward S. Curtis had one of the most extensive documentations of Native American life in picture format of anyone. This beautiful, extensive collection has given all Americans the ability to take a closer look at the life of various tribes and warriors. Today, the collection can be found at the Bruce Kapson Gallery in California. This collection was on public display until 2002, when it went solely to a private collector.

Today, people can purchase copies of Native American photographs for decoration, or to simply hold onto a piece of history. Whether it is a reproduction of an original photo, or Native American artwork, they truly are a thing of beauty to behold. People can also find Native American photos online to use for websites or to simply get a better glimpse into the lifestyle of American Indians.

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