Kachina Dolls

The Hopi Indians often carved small, intricate sculptures that served as a symbol of their faith and what they believed in. Often, these icons were called kachina dolls, as they were used to help teach the children of the tribe about religion and spirits. These dolls were quite detailed and were usually made of wood or stone. They look like various spirits that the tribe members believed in and almost always took on a human form. The kachina dolls were accented with things like hair, fur, and even butterfly wings or bird feathers.

Today, kachina dolls are still sold to the general public. While most are not actual artifacts that were used in Native American tribes, some very rare dolls are for sale to collectors or museums. People can purchase kachina dolls online and buy them from various artists. Hopi Indians were not the only tribes to create the interesting dolls. Navajo Indians and other tribes located in various parts of the country such as California, Nevada, New Mexico, and other states created the dolls as well. No two kachina dolls are alike, particularly because they are handmade, but also because each one represents something different.

Most kachina dolls used for children or that were religious symbols did not have a base attached to them. They were often simply placed in the child's living area or used in the tribal schools as a tool to help teach the children. However, the more modern versions that are sold simply as artwork usually come with some kind of base to stand on. This allows the doll to be displayed and to stand upright. While the purpose of these beautiful dolls was to educate Native American children, they have now become a true symbol of their culture and the spirits they believed in.

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