Chippewa Indians

The Chippewa Indians, often known as the Ojibwa Indians and the Anishanabea Indians, were one of the largest groups of Native Americans ever. They lived in parts of Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota and Canada and were part of the Algonquin family.

The Roles of Men and Women

In the Chippewa culture, the roles of men and women were much defined. Women were domestic, taking care of the home and the farm. They planted the seeds and took care of the crops, in addition to their responsibilities at home when it came to children and the preparation of food.

The men had a completely different set of responsibilities, most of which kept them away from the home a great deal. They were hunters, who often went to war against settlers and other nations to protect their families and their way of life.

From an early age, little Chippewa boys and girls were groomed for these roles as part of their education. Girls were raised to tend the farm and the home, and boys were raised as warriors and hunters from as young as possible.

Chippewa Language

The Chippewa Indians spoke Anishinaabemowin, or Ojibwemowin, the native language of the Chippewa Indians. It is still spoken today. This language is part of the Algonquin language group. Members of this group may not speak the exact same language, but the basics of languages in this family are all very much the same.

The Chippewa people also spent many years in fur trading with the French, and for this reason many Chippewa people spoke French, and still do to this day.

The Chippewa Indians were and still a huge part of Native American history and culture. They have retained a large part of their native culture through oral tradition, and it is passed down from generation to generation.

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